Matt Mundok, FMP: Managing Director

As Principal and Managing Director at IHS, I love leading our team and working with a large number of diverse clients. Since my days at Penn State University where I earned my Bachelor of Science in hotel, restaurant and institutional management, on-site food and hospitality has been my entire career focus. As an operator with Marriott Management Services and The Wood Company, I learned what it takes to be an effective operations manager. As VP of Dining & Hospitality Services at MBNA/Bank of America, I developed the leadership skills to manage global food service programs. Since 2006, I have been blessed to be able to lead our team in educating and inspiring clients across North America on how to transform their on-site food and hospitality programs to be best in class.
Life is great! I never take even one day for granted. There is nothing better than spending time traveling the world with my wife Michele and our four awesome kids. It brings me great joy to witness my children’s journey from children to thriving young adults, making an impact on the world.
I love to spend time on the beach, fishing for striped bass and cheering on the Steelers. Creating delicious homemade pizzas in our back yard with friends and family, and enjoying great craft beer is always a weekend highlight at the Mundok house. Cheers!