Exceptional employee amenities make a world of difference
IHS helps corporate clients with consulting and strategic planning for onsite cafes, restaurants, catering, vending and other workplace amenity operations. Our clients know that best-in-class onsite operations lead to increased employee engagement and enhanced productivity throughout their companies.
Together, we create a roadmap for success.

Typical challenges faced:
Results with IHS:

Corporate Cafés & Catering
Insmed – IHS Case Study:

Aligning Foodservice to a Culture
The headquarters of Insmed, a global biopharmaceutical company with a transformative mission, was moving across town to a new site that would accommodate its 400 employees. The company wanted a full-service foodservice program developed from scratch and operational before the move—only five months away. The company was completely new to foodservice contracting, and wasn’t even sure what their budget should be. However, they had a firm belief that the employee café offerings and the overall service level should align closely with their carefully managed corporate culture.
Providing a Vision for Execution
First, IHS outlined budget expectations while working closely with the Insmed project manager, who wore many management hats. During the RFP client “Visioning” process, direct contact was critical in establishing milestones for project stages, setting expectations for engagement, and communicating and tracking objectives. Four operators submitted proposals and presented on the project, and together we evaluated bids compared to industry benchmarks, each proposal’s points of differentiation, and each one’s ability to meet foodservice trends today and in the future. Because Insmed’s diverse employee demographics, the company also wanted a foodservice operator that embraced technologies for ordering and checkout convenience.
Delivering Health and Engagement
Through a process that was responsive, engaged, and accountable, Insmed chose a smaller, regional operator because its program was the most customizable to match the most critical aspects of Insmed culture. IHS continued to lead the project through the contracting phase and all the way through a smooth implementation. From the get-go, Insmed employee expectations were met with a rewarding café experience and Insmed management was pleased with the employee participation level, meeting the dual goals of improving personal health and corporate culture health simultaneously.
3 Easy ways to get started
1. Schedule a conversation here.
2. Fill out the form in this section.
3. Call us directly at 866-859-4633.